The user import feature allows you to add multiple users at once by uploading a .csv file contain data for each of the user fields. This feature is useful if you plan to start with greater than 50 users. To begin, download the csv template file.
Fields should contain specific values. You can read more about user permissions.
This field can't contain special characters and spaces. This field is required.
This is a valid email address used for notifications and when resetting passwords. This field is required.
Any characters can be used. This field is required.
This is a friendly label shown internally only. If left empty, value will be same as username.
This is the starting directory for the user. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created when the user is created. If left empty, value will be the root folder / . Valid enclosed with “ path should be here.
Designate whether or not to send a welcome email when the user is created. If left empty, will have value 'FALSE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user should get introductory tips when first logging in to the account.
Specify if the user is allowed to upload files and folders to the account. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user is allowed to download files and folders. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user is allowed to delete files in the account. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user is allowed to move, copy or rename files. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user is allowed to see the files and folders on the account. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user is allowed to use the sharing functions: send files, share folders, and create receive folders. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user is allowed to create notifications to send emails when a triggering event (upload, download) occurs. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify if the user is allowed to reset the assigned password. If left empty, will have value 'TRUE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify is the user to see the custom data associated with a receive folder. If left empty, will have value 'FALSE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify whether or not the user is blocked from logging in to the account. If left empty, will have value 'FALSE'. You can put 't' or 'f', 'true' or 'false', '0' or '1' here.
Specify whether the user is a regular user or should have administrative rights on the account. If left empty, the value will be 'user'. You can put 'user' or 'admin' here.
Specify a future date when the user will be blocked from logging in to the account. If left empty value will be 'null'. Use date format year-month-day (i.e., 2019-01-31).
Download the starting .csv file here.
The fields must be listed in the following order to add users into the .csv files:
username,email,password,nickname,”home_folder“,send_welcome_email, enable_onboarding,role,upload,download,delete,modify,list,share, send_notifications,change_password,view_form_data,locked,expiration_date_yyyy-mm-dd
IMPORTANT NOTES for Exporting .csv Files
To import your user file:
1. Log in as the master user or as an admin user.
2. Click the Users button.
3. Click the IMPORT USERS button.
4. If you haven't already created your import .csv file, download the example file and complete the fields as specified above.
5. Click the CHOOSE CSV FILE button and select your completed .csv file for upload.
6. Click the IMPORT USERS button to process the file.
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