Online Storage: 3 Ways It Can Cut Your Clutter

Published on 16 Aug 2018 - Updated on 22 Apr 2020

When house shopping, people look for the storage closets. When shopping the internet for a file transfer solution, people look at online storage limits.

The thought of having stuff with no place to store it can cause anxiety. The resulting clutter when there is not enough storage is just as bad.

But what does this have to do with Online Storage?

A bunch of photos on the computer or stored in the cloud isn’t the same as a house full of stuff. Chairs, clothes, dishes, knick-knacks. How can you compare the two?

Comparing organized closet to online storage in the cloud.

Online storage is like the virtual version of a home. You have different sites and applications you use to share and store different things. These are like rooms in your house. Instagram for sharing photos. iPhoto for photo storage on your computer and the cloud for online photo backup. Businesses often use an FTP server to securely store large files and documents — think of this one as your home office.

Here are three reasons to take advantage of online storage for your files, folders, and photos.

1. Cloud Storage Means You Can Access Your Stuff Anywhere

These days you can’t do anything online without running across “the cloud.” The cloud or “cloud computing” is the idea of being able to access data on the internet.

Your files and photos get uploaded to the cloud, which is essentially someone else’s computer or server, and stored. You then have access to your data anywhere you have internet access. It’s like a mobile home for your stuff. You have the key, and control where and when you enter. A mobile home parked in its lot is like going back to your desktop computer at work. If you’re cruising down the road and pull over for a nap in your mobile home, it’s like accessing your file sharing account on your mobile device.

Desktop, tablet, or smartphone. It’s easy to share and collaborate on projects, get feedback from friends and coworkers, or review your documents while waiting for an appointment.

With a good naming system in place simply add new files into the proper folder for quick access. Just like hanging your clothes up in the closet. It’s easier to find the shirt you need when they are organized by style or color.

Online Storage for Business

Cloud storage for business is equally as important for a decluttered life. No more searching through filing cabinets. No more tracking down a specific employee to see if they have the file you need and can send you a copy asap.

If all business documents are stored online in the cloud (or on a secure FTP server), you only have one place to look. And you can control access to those documents with user permissions. Employee A can download all documents. Employee B has their profile set up to only access files in the “Red Racecar” folder.

Red racecar.

With online storage, there are many options for organizing that you can tailor to suit your business. Finding a file sharing service that meets your needs is essential. These days it’s about having a web file manager and granular permissions for users. Online access is also key, even if you use FTP to transfer files.

Check out ExaVault for these key file sharing features and more.

2. Online Photo Backup – Keep All Your Photos in One Place

Online storage is also a great photo backup option. More than likely, you have at least one box of printed photographs stashed in a closet somewhere. When was the last time you looked through it? Is it organized?

Why not keep all your photos in the cloud? There’s always the option to print out the ones you cherish most and frame them to hang on the wall or set on your desk at work.

With online photo storage, you can easily organize your photographs. A folder online for your “July Fourth Party” photos can store all your pictures from the party. Later, find them all in one place when you want some fun images for this year’s party invitation.

The best way to store photos. The best way to share photos.

Everyone wants to share their photos with friends, relatives, and coworkers. Using online storage for photographs eases the sharing process. With cloud storage, friends halfway around the world can see your photographs. Photographers can quickly find and share photos with clients.

Is your file sharing service great for online photo backup?

Look for modern features like drag and drop, file preview, and gallery views with large previews of your photos and multimedia files.

Online storage photo preview.

Many services such as ExaVault let you share with just a link. Quickly create a shareable link for the folder of images you want to show friends or clients. Then share that link via chat, email — any way you want.

3. Secure Online Storage Means Not Having to Worry

Don’t just declutter, give yourself peace of mind when storing your files, folder, and photos online. Data security for your online storage is like a fireproof safe. But it doesn’t take up space in your basement. It takes up space in the cloud. And there is plenty of space for your files and digital photographs. For small businesses to enterprise plans for large corporations that need to store over 1TB of data online.

Find a company that takes data security seriously. From GDPR compliance to enterprise-grade security, there are numerous security controls available for online storage. Utilize security options like complex passwords and expiration dates on file shares. Then upload all your files and holiday photos worry-free.

Secure online storage = less stress = one more thing checked off the clutter list.

Clutter Conquered With Online Storage

In conclusion, online storage is available 24/7 and keeps you and your business in charge of its files, folders, and photographs! You have the key, and the internet allows you access any time, anywhere.

Keep your home free of paper clutter, boxes of printed photos that you’ll never have time to sort through, and find what you need to when you need it with online storage.

Cloud computing is:

Open 24 hours neon sign.

Now that you feel a little less cluttered, you might want to do a little decluttering in your home. There are a lot of tips and tricks out there for decluttering, but since you’re online reading this, it’s probably a good idea to start with decluttering your files and photos. Start by taking advantage of online storage.

Ready to start decluttering your files? Sign up for ExaVault today!

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