Tips and Tricks for Faster File Search

Published on 16 Jul 2013

As we head into July, we wanted to pass along a few tips and trick to make searching for files in your account easier. Use our file search tricks to find what you need faster.

Searching Just Part Of Your Account

By default, searching for files in your account will search your entire account. Sometimes, that’s not what you’re looking for, so there’s another option for you.  To restrict a search to your current folder (and the folders inside it):

  1. Click on the search box in the upper right.
  2. Check the box for Search only this folder and subfolders that appears underneath the search box.
  3. Type your search in the search box and press ‘Enter’.

Search feature highlighted in the file manager.

Instead of seeing every possible matching file from your entire account, the results will show only matching files from within the current folder (and its subfolders).

Finding The Biggest Files In Your Account

When your account starts getting full, and it’s time to do some housekeeping, you may find it helpful to find your biggest files to clear up some space fast.  To find the largest files in your account:

  1. Make sure you are in the ‘Home’ folder.
  2. Type * in the search box and press ‘Enter’.
  3. Wait for the results to display.
  4. Change the ‘Sort by’ to ‘size’.

The largest files in your account should appear at the top of the list of results.

Gathering Different Types Of Files With Search

Here’s an advanced trick for when you need to collect groups of different things, such as to download all of the pictures (jpegs, bmps, raw and png, for example), but not the documents (such as .docx) in your account:

  1. Do a file search to get the first group of matching files.
  2. Check the boxes to the right of each matching file.
  3. Search for your next group of matching files.
  4. Check the boxes to the right of each matching file.
  5. Repeat until you have all the groups searched for and matches selected.

Now, here’s the fancy part: even though you can no longer see the results of your original search, you still have those checked matches selected. If you were to click the Download Selected button after following those steps, you’ll download a zip file that contains all of the files you selected in your searches, not just your most recent search. The key to using this trick is simple: after you’ve selected a group of files to include, move on immediately to the next search to select other files, and only download (or delete, or send, etc.) when you’ve finished selecting all of your files.

Ready to find all your files fast? Try ExaVault today!

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