Individuals working on creative pursuits who need to send drafts or final versions of their work can do just that with WeTransfer.
For a more comprehensive file transfer solution with multiple ways to share, send and receive files you’ll want a WeTransfer alternative.
WeTransfer offers a free version that includes sending files up to 2GB with no storage, no support and email transfers up to only 10 people. There is a basic file transfer form on their site that anyone can use - enter your email, the email you want to send to, a short message and add your files.
This service lacks features that businesses need. If you're sharing files with customers on a daily basis, you are going to need more powerful capabilities.
An excellent WeTransfer alternative is ExaVault -- set up users for ongoing file sharing, track activity, and manage all your files and users in an intuitive online interface.
WeTransfer Pro is the paid version that includes file storage, more email transfers and a few other customizations including backgrounds and personalizing your profile.
If you’re looking for a long term file sharing solution with excellent custom branding & security features, you need to consider alternatives to WeTransfer. All ExaVault plans include storage, plus transfer super-large files – up to 4TB – something you can’t do with WeTransfer. They cap transfers at 20GB on the Pro plan.
WeTransfer is fine for students or individuals who don't mind a lack of features but not great for a business looking to scale. Choose ExaVault and do more with your data.
ExaVault lets your business shine with custom branding, unlimited users, granular user permissions, and more. Not a large business? WeTransfer alternative ExaVault has a plan perfect for small to medium business file sharing, new artists, and other small to mid sized groups.
Try ExaVault and let the features speak for themselves. Get developer tools that help you set up automations, or integrate the platform right onto your website.
WeTransfer is a great place to discover and share creative work. They showcase artists, sell ad space, and have creative tools to help you make slides, image collages and sketch ideas. What they don’t do is file management or phone support.
Get the WeTransfer alternative built for your business. Don’t let your files expire and get deleted from cloud storage before you are ready to let them go. Use ExaVault for reliable file sharing and storage. Whether you need digital photography storage, cloud storage for business or access to your files from any device, any platform - ExaVault has you covered.