Full featured file transfer solution supports both manual and automated transfers.
Improve your workflows, manage your files, and monitor your users -- all from an easy to navigate interface that showcases your business logo.
We support FTP, FTPS and SFTP, so you can integrate thousands of third party software products with our file transfer platform. Plus the ability to embed file upload forms right into your website.
Get total visibility and control over your file transfers. Extensive security options let you restrict access. Audit and logging systems keep track of exactly what's happened. Filter and export logs for troubleshooting and compliance.
No need to show all your business partners what file transfer service you use. The entire platform can be rebranded, including the web interface, email notifications, and more.
Clients, contractors, and vendors, oh my! Have the users you need -- set permissions and file sharing options for almost any use case.
We have one of the most modern web interfaces on the planet, letting you operate with tremendous flexibility. Our interface uses the latest technologies to provide a superior file transfer experience – across web, tablet and mobile.
I evaluated ExaVault and many other suppliers, even the option to install my own sFTP server (I own a tech company with our own datacenter, but I find that ExaVault provides better quality/functionality/price relation). The set up process was fast and smooth, very intuitive.
- Pablo Pombo, from Chile